Sunday, November 29, 2009

E Cig Cartridges Reviews Online

E-cig is pioneers of preventing people to stop smoking in the way they want to. Electronic cigarette is the best way for a person who wants to stop smoking. People have been giving very positive feedback about electronic cigarettes. These reviews will help you choose what you want to do with your smoking habit.

• A good way of buying an electronic cigarette would be purchasing it online. I have tried the electronic cigarette and it has changed my smoking habit. It has smoke atomizer that produces denser smoke than the regular one so that you don’t have to work hard to suck the smoke. Cartridge reviews about e-cigs tell that a cartridge can be used to do at least 400 puffs per cartridge. A normal cartridge does almost 1200 puffs. This is equally to smoking $1.5 per pack to smoke. It’s a much cheaper and healthy deal.